Owning stocks is a risk
yes, owning stocks is a risk. but so is crossing the street and eating at a restaurant.
Once you understand everything is being repriced in Bitcoin, you realise the only rational outcome is to go all in.
not saying everyone needs to own stocks, but i don’t agree that going all-in on money is the “only rational outcome”.
lots of companies outpace Bitcoin’s returns every year (some public, many private), and the more valuable Bitcoin becomes, the more likely it becomes that holding Bitcoin is not the best investment one can make.
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My bitcoin stack on cold storage carries zero risk.
there is no such thing as “zero risk”
Why take a gamble trying to find the "right" companies to invest in when you can simply sell your fiat for Bitcoin and guarantee yourself a win by default?
why do you call stocks a “gamble”, but Bitcoin “guaranteed”?
cult mentality
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If you were to choose your stocks today, would you feel confident holding onto them for the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
yes, i would. that’s exactly the approach long-term investors take, whether they’re holding stocks, bonds, real estate, or bitcoin.