So far, I kept a low profile (on btc++ in Berlin for example) and am currently still planning to (going to btc++ in Austin next year). All this attention that I seem to also start getting now is still very new for me. For example, it still feels weird in some way to check nostr and see more complete strangers following me, lol.
But if I got into a conversation with some (like @calle or other people on the same table that I was sitting at), I didn't hesitate to mention that I work on SN if it made sense.
So we can make a deal: If I tell you I am ek from SN, you're going to tell me you're @BlokchainB, ok? haha
Which conferences are you planning to go?
šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I plan on being at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville and TAB conference as well. My first two ever conferences. Not sure if I will doxx myself but then again Iā€™m no one special plus SN is my family! Iā€™m the #1 fan I think šŸ˜†
I plan on being at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville and TAB conference as well
Looking forward to go to TABconf one day as well. Heard a lot of good things from it.
Not sure if I will doxx myself but then again Iā€™m no one special plus SN is my family! Iā€™m the #1 fan I think šŸ˜†
No worries, you won't have to. We can also be plebs together. I will just say I am #2 fan of SN then, haha
see more complete strangers following me
assuming these aren't bots