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I don't think fiat is the source of market-culture failure.
Market culture failure is the result of incessant subversion.
Back in 2001 I was reading to much Chomsky, Herman and Zinn. I grew to hate the sight of the American flag. These three "academics" I'm now learning, were really just the pointy end of the spear Marxist that had been working behind the scenes to subvert the very market culture that allowed their crackpottery to flourish.
It's a phenomena best summarized by Propagandi's lyrics:
"And yes I recognize the irony, that the system I oppose affords me the luxury Of biting the hand that feed.
"That's exactly why, privileged fucks like me should feel obliged to whine and kick and scream until everyone has everything they need."
Punk rock is the evangelical arm of the Marxist subversion machine. It's industrial engine is the university system. It's produced a cultural monster of gnostic utopianism.
Then, in 2010 I started making frequent trips to the United States. You know what broke the spell for me? Root beer flavored milk.
That's right, the free market had produced root beer flavored milk. Along with a whole lot of other goods and services that were not available or were incredibly expensive just 8, 10, 12 or 25 miles north of the US/Canada boarder.
You have no idea the impact the artificial scarcity of mixed economies does to culture. Canada neither has bounty, nor does it have culture. Everything we get/develop is a second rate copy of something that comes from the USA.
Let Trudeau's hell-hole be a lesson to you all, and a warning. Grab hold of the 'Merican spirit and identity - embodied in the symbol of your great flag - before its lost forever.
(seriously, I once bought 48 eggs from a store in 'Merica for less than I pay for a dozen in Canada. Unbeknownst to me, I wasn't technically allowed to bring that many eggs back over the Iron 49th parallel).
Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah