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Your comment is so absurd I don't even know where to start...
Your analogy with casino chips is priceless since, precisely, casino chips (something that has zero value outside of a very limited perimeter) are the exact opposite of what Bitcoin is supposed to be.
Just because SN uses BTC as a currency does NOT imply (at all) it's supposed to be a cult. Bitcoin is intended to be a universal currency, regardless of borders, politics, religions and all. Pretending that a website should adhere to a specific vision or pseudo philosophy, just because it uses BTC, totally contradicts that.
I maintain that it's a big mistake to keep this stance, as it can only prevent SN from reaching mainstream.
Bitcoiners do not form a community. The more Bitcoin is seen as a community (and even more as a community of toxic die-hard maxis), the more it means it's failing.
Bitcoin will be an actual success when your grand'ma will use apps and services that reward her in BTC, and she will find it normal. That's why SN has a huge potential, showing the way of Bitcoin becoming a natural currency of choice for online services. This has nothing to do with the cult-oriented mindset shown by the 1% of Bitcoiners who can't admit reality.
I think you missed something...
The main difference is that the sats here can be taken via lightning to other places. Stacker is a platform for using Bitcoin and if it is a good currency then it will be useful if not, then it will die.
My analogy was just that. It's a casino if you have to exchange the reward for something else. It's not a casino if the rewards are self evident and useful.
Shitcoins are not useful because they are exit strategies for Fiat. Bitcoin is an exit strategy from Fiat.
If you want to build another platform using another currency then do it. If it is good it will be successful. If it sucks it will just empty the pockets of those who worked to exchange Fiat for shiat. It's a casino.
Bitcoin is not the first electronic money. The telegraph of 1830s sent FIAT. Big deal.
Bitcoin isn't finished but it's good enough to work here as a system for reward. If you want to take it and put it on chain and then exchange it for brave token. Be my guest.
You will waste time and energy due to the rent seeking FIAT CURRENCY world.
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Delta should really accept miles from AA...
Some businesses have business models that accept coupons or sales of competitors. This is less expensive than advertising because the customer has gone directly to the vendor.
Airlines work on very tight margins and the flight miles are actually fees paid to them by credit card vendors via purchase fees that vendors pay credit card companies. This is how FOLD is able to give a percentage of sats for debit card purchases. This Fiat funding allows the Airline companies to front run inflation but only with loyalty of customers.