He shared,
"I personally believe very much in the future of freedom in Brazil and consequently in the future of prosperity in Brazil. I think that our children will live in a level of freedom that we have never imagined.
“Most probably because of what our generation is building. [...] I am very confident in the future of freedom and of Brazil, consequently, because I see that in the worst case scenario, technology will set us free.”
Brazil currently has more people investing in bitcoin and other digital assets than in the U.S. stock market.
"[Bitcoin] will transform several state tools, which today, or until recently were considered as indispensable as even the Central Bank itself. As authorities of monetary regulation, it will transform them into obsolete, sooner or later."
The congressman also highlighted the emergence of a number of technologies that have the potential to reduce the role of the state through decentralization. “The trend is that we will follow the path of increasing decentralization ... It is what some people vulgarly call uberization ... But there is a phenomenon behind that which is the phenomenon of decentralization, the decentralization of choices.”
Bitcoin is a hope for Brazil, for Latin America, and for people around the world.