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I just use bitcoin core on an old laptop. Easy to use and link with sparrow wallet for broadcasting and verifying transactions. Also, if you have a extra computer, its free.
This is the way
best answer in the thread!
Great answer but I would add that you don't even need an extra computer to get started. I used to run my bitcoin node on a dedicated machine. But now, I just run my bitcoin node on the same machine that I work from. I don't turn my PC off often (only sleep mode) but even if I would, syncing shouldn't take too long if you regularly use your computer anyway.
best way to start IMO. learn the basics, run core.
umbrel and the other preset nodes, while some offer great additional tools, its usually not stuff you NEED. and this way, the cost is literally ZERO and if you decide you want a more robust setup and tools, then make that decision.