An evolutionary anomaly. Proof that nature has a sense of humor.
I think they lay eggs? Mad animal…
The platypus can simultaneously lactate and lay eggs, making it one of the few species of animal capable of manufacturing its own custard.
Interestingly, there are also several species of bird which can produce milk, including flamingos and pigeons (seriously).
Forget a Lambo… I want flamingo milk in my coffee!
And I once watched a flock of flamingos fly beneath me whilst I was in a helicopter. Quite incredible and a beautiful sight. A few minutes later one smashed into the cockpit windshield… but that’s another story.
I'm glad you asked. I found a photo, refreshed my knowledge and spurred a little discussion. I gotta thank the guy who stirred up all this context stuff :)
spurred a little discussion
Where? :)
I gotta thank the guy who stirred up all this context stuff :)
Yeah, I think he must have been an evolutionary anomaly of SN. Hopefully he keeps evolving with SN :)
Well, one comment, anyway. But, it was from @carlosfandango, one of the finest stackers, who has tons of content shoved in his giant brain. I count a reply from him as worth 6 or 7 from your average stacker.
I can assure you my head is quite normal sized…and my solitary brain cell enjoys the space lol
I count that as 12 comments now.