I hate to agree with another commenter but I do believe you wrote this out of misplaced cope. Bitcoin being more difficult or more expensive to use does make Bitcoin less valuable.
Bitcoin is a social construct so any notion of a goal is relative of course but the consensus seems to be that Bitcoin is pretty nice for unconfiscatability, permissionless payments, and for being a finite supply monetary network (savings tech) much less talked about is the network (as in network effect) of people surrounding Bitcoin that you can interface with.
I want to get to why thinking scaling isn't necessary as a form of cope is not necessary (or as I said before misplaced cope). We have several scaling methods some of which are pure write ups with no code like timeout trees.
As well I don't understand how even if you thought this way, why you would be against scaling solution proposals at least not purely on this basis. I would admit that scaling does seem to come secondary to other aspects such as decentralization, but just because it isn't the highest priority objective, doesn't mean it isn't an objective at all.