Wake up. We've been in a depression since 2008. A depression is an extended (multiyear) period of below trend real economic growth. People are being psyoped by fake inflation numbers to fudge real growth rate numbers - but open your eyes to the number of homeless people on the streets, living in tents, or cars. WE HAVE BEEN IN A DEPRESSION FOR OVER A DECADE. DON'T DRINK THE GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA.
real GDP has been going up since around 2009 with a dip during COVID. Do you have any data to back up the claim that population adjusted homelessness is getting worse? Why is homelessness the metric to use to establish whether we are in a depression or not? I don't remember the exact numbers, but I know that alcoholism and drug use are significant contributors to homelessness. If population adjusted homelessness is going up, could it be due to other factors?