It's been a longtime coming huh?
When I was making territories, I was explicitly thinking of you (and a few other stackers). I like to do that when I'm building features - embody someone else and their desires. Truth is I have very narrow interests these days having once had many.
Haha! That's awesome. I'm glad I had a little influence here. I always feel like I'm far in the periphery of new tech like this. Pretty cool to get to play a small part for once. This place is great, koob. Very grateful to have found it.
Truth is I have very narrow interests these days having once had many.
Also, I feel this. I'm focused on woodcraft and tangentially architecture now. But I've got side hobbies from chemistry, to gardening, to cooking, to coding, mechanical engineering, robotics, linguistics, arts, music, entertainment, and the world's greatest mystery... women.