Scaling and unlimited TX are not the same thing. In order for bitcoin to replace fiat it must be better that fiat. It already is better in many aspects but not all. In order for bitcoin to become money it must have high salability. In order for it to be a medium of exchange people must be willing and able to accept it. Gold is superior as a store of value over fiat but fiat kicks its but as a medium of exchange. There is a reason that the dollar dominates as a currency. It is easier to use and accept than gold. When you read about the history of money you see the issues with metals as money. You also see the evolution and how fiat become so bad. Bitcoin is the superior money but mass adoption must happen for it to replace fiat. It will happen, but it will require bitcoin to scale. Gold didn't scale to the speed of communications. The telegram really pushed it out.
Finally, bitcoin has nothing to do with who does or does not deserve to have access to it. True money doesn't care. It is amoral. Was gold only used by those that held a certain set of beliefs or deserved to use it? Of course not.