This post is full of elitist condescension mixed with what I can only assume is some form of cope; derived from your realization that the current narrative most people in Bitcoin subscribe to (that it's going to replace fiat currency and will be the backbone of a new currency system - or some variation of this) is wholly incompatible with the reality of Bitcoin's technical limitations at the moment and for the foreseeable future.
This all started with people years ago making the argument that the Bitcoin protocol/network as it was described and envisioned within the original Satoshi whitepaper and Satoshi's own writings on the mailing list/forum, wasn't going to happen, or even stranger, there were people claiming that this actually wasn't the intended design (used by people to actually pay for/buy things, sending micropayments, etc.), usually in some warped attempt to try and convince people to join "their side" in the equally retarded block size wars.
I think you are intentionally engaging in a straw man argument, claiming that people are "looking for a near zero cost unlimited TX at infinite speed scaling", because by the time you get around to writing that sentence at the end of your rant, I'm guessing that it may have sunk in just how ridiculous it sounds to be arguing AGAINST scaling the network. As I said above, it smacks of elitism. Literally no one is looking for near zero-cost unlimited transactions, I haven't seen a single serious person who talks about these matters saying anything like this, where are you coming up with this idea from?
Sounds like you're attacking me rather than attacking the argument.
But anyways, it's just food for thought. I just never hear the perspective that maybe TXs are supposed to be expensive.