1. My current church I started attending and serving at about 12 years ago. I was freshly baptized and excited about Jesus, moved to Orlando to attend college and mingled with all the Christian groups I could find. I attended a Wesleyan missions group on Tuesdays, CRU on Thursdays, went door to door witnessing with a reformed baptist church on Saturdays, and found a Church of Christ locally to attend on Sundays (as my spiritual father was CoC and they were the ones who poured into me for months). Eventually, someone invited me to attend a wednesday service at a nondenom charismatic church, where I met my wife, and eventually made that my exclusive church. These days, ive also been enthrawled with Orthodoxy, and thus I am going through inquirer class and vespers on saturdays.
  2. I'm less inclined to assume my values are automatically correct before I understand the opposite poition first. For example, during covid, my church closed down for a couple weeks, which i found appauling, however, i appreciated my pastors heart to do everything to make the flock feel safe. We spent a lot of time developing and producing online content for the congregation so they could participate from home. My wife and I are childrens ministers so we prerecorded everything ahead of time.
  3. Coming from protestant tradition, the church seems to be secondary to a personal relationship in my own devotions, family pastoring, etc.