I cannot add it as option on this pool but I think is a wining idea. Let's see how many comments this suggestion gets (if you - reader - like the Bazaar naming, please leave a +1 under this thread, so we can better understand what's the community would like to sell/buy items)
Oooo that's spicy, I like that. More people I feel would understand what a bazaar is than an agora. SN Bazaar?
Looking at the definition and etymology of the word, look's like a bazaar in East Asia is a sale where the money that is made goes to charity (not really the aim of this ~Agora). Especially in the Middle East, the Balkans, North Africa and South Asia the word had been generally used to define a marketplace usually consisting of multiple small stalls or shops. However, temporary open markets elsewhere, such as in the West, might also designate themselves as bazaars. The ones in the Middle East were traditionally located in vaulted or covered streets that had doors on each end and served as a city's central marketplace. Street markets are the European and North American equivalents.
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yes, I saw this when checking all the marketplaces:) but I think SN has many advantages over them - the web of trust and feedback from brutally honest stackers, wild 👀
Open Bazaar it's a really cool one! I really like it too. Do you have any references of what an open bazaar was?