With so many content scrapers, big tech, and now AI, do you really think your content is deleted? Anything you post might be stored somewhere else for good.
By deleting it from SN you are making it hard for Stackers to follow the conversations. I would agree that preserving the comment and replacing the author with “anon472844” for example (unzappable btw), is probably a much more useful solution.
Last but not least, I would like to point out that unfortunately the ephemerality of our face to face conversations is lost on the internet. We are obsessed about saving everything. It’s data, it’s the new oil, let’s save every comma.
I would agree that preserving the comment and replacing the author with “anon472844” for example (unzappable btw), is probably a much more useful solution.
This is a reasonable compromise, I think. If you wanted to make it even "better" you could use Llama to paraphrase the post to remove distinctive styling features.
I would like to point out that unfortunately the ephemerality of our face to face conversations is lost on the internet.
This is the heart of it. I absolutely understand the desire to have ephemeral conversations -- they're so important! Our lives would be so much worse without them! But the internet has different affordances and we shouldn't find a realistic way to inhabit them instead of pretending they don't exist.
Second the idea of replacing the author!