I think my opinion of parenting can be best encapsulated in the following quote:
"Do it or don't do it - you will regret both." - Soren Kierkegaard
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Disagree. I don't know anyone who regrets having kids.
But plenty who regret not having kids.
Well I won’t say that I regret having kids but honestly, I hate parenting to the core. I love my kids but I hate that I have to give up so much of my time effort energy for them
I have been fortunate recently to get to know a lot of larger families. Not that everything is sweetness and light, but when I think about the childless people I know, there's no comparison.
I'm not necessarily saying the immediate quality of life is better (although in my opinion it can be, though there are definitely sacrifices).
But the fullness of life, the sense of legacy, the sense of purpose that children give, all add meaning to life.
Thanks for coming back! I agree with all three things you mentioned: fullness, legacy, purpose. Just that the now is so bloody hard, you know haha
But I will survive, come what may. Merry Christmas to you and yours!