Haha what a redemption! Give up 9 to the blue jackets then put up 9 on the leafs the next game! @kr Toronto has a serious goalie problem. Y’all need to fix it ASAP if you want to contend for the cup.
Contend for the Cup? Leafs will be lucky to get out of the first round. Are you forgetting that all the Leafs stars disappear in playoffs?
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s crazy all the talent they have and still no serious cup run
Every team has a bad night, as does every goalie. You can't conclude much based on one game. You can make an exception with the leafs, though.
Absolutely. If the Leafs get crushed it is definitely because they suck. If they crush another team it is definitely just luck or the refs fault.