Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
The best comment as voted by the "top" filter at 9am CT tomorrow gets 10,000 sats.
Bonus sats for including a source link to your fun fact!
If you missed our last edition, here are lots of fun facts stackers shared.
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10,000 sats paid
By the IRS's own definitions, a man or woman working at a regular job does not automatically make them a taxpayer.
Read the above with ejusdem generis in mind, which for some reason, many lawyers/judges do not even realize is a thing.
See also: 26 USC 7343
to be a taxpayer is completely voluntary
You are correct, but unfortunately most people accidentally file the form that says "I am a US Person/taxpayer" and they sign it under penalty of perjury. Once they educate themselves, they can stop being a taxpayer, legally.
The IRS and media have brainwashed many.
"The IRS and media have brainwashed many "
They sure have. Myself and many others legally pay zero income taxes.
Former Bitcoin developer, Martti Malmi, mined 55,000 BTC on his laptop in 2009 and 2010 before selling them all before 2012. That amount of bitcoin would have been valued at approximately $4 billion AUD today.
The word “money” comes from the Latin word “moneta”, which was the name of the goddess of finance in ancient Rome. The largest note ever printed by the US Treasury was the $100,000 bill. It had a picture of Woodrow Wilson on it and was used only for transactions between Federal Reserve banks. It also had the word Specimen on it! Oh and don’t forget the new Trillion dollar coin! What’s the next stop?
Today is 22 Dec in Japan, where daylight is the shortest. Japanese people typically take their bath with yuzus because they believe that this zesty citrus fruit will help protect them against colds and flus. I say it’s a lovely custom!
In Japan, Ronald McDonald is called Donald McDonald due to a lack of a clear "r" sound in Japanese.
So I don't have to print even more. Ahahhaha
I love Bitcoins and beautiful women. Preferably both together!
The country with the most feral camels might not be what you think - it's Australia! 🦘
You have a greater chance of winning Powerball 9 times in a row than guessing my private key Odds of winning Powerball 9 times in a row: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1%2F292200000+%5E9 Odds of guessing a Private Key: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=1%2F2%5E256
Someone had to tell him lol
Rattus norvegicus does not have its origin in Norway but in China.
Hehe... It is really true :)
The first recorded Bitcoin transaction was in May 2010 when a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas.
One time I had a buddy that got absolutely hammered on AMF's and multiple Adderall's. The night ended with me chasing him through multiple neighborhoods naked. Eventually, I had to tackle him and choke him out.