Microloans the match, Entrepreneurs' dreams ignite, Economies soar.
Malawi and Gladstein. You got it all right here.
This reminds me of the WBD podcast from the other day. Femi Longe challenging us to stop hoarding sats and start investing in bitcoin projects in Africa. Provocative message.
I haven’t listened to it but as a general point… one of the legacies of colonialism is that the tools of administration put in by colonial powers are now co-opted by authoritarian rulers to exploit people a second time. We need to get financial products into the hands of local people to local projects and a $1 worth of our sats in their hands will do more good than $1 of world bank debt in the hands of their government.
That was his main point. Our sats can go a long way in Africa. It wouldn't take many to fund projects. The issue of course, is to separate the real from the scam.
(Sorry - I should probably listen before running my mouth off).
Real vs scam is an interesting point for Bitcoiners… and one I struggle with. And of course we should be looking for continual verification rather than trusting these projects.
But then I give $5 to the homeless guy at the bus station and I don’t follow up on that… interesting thoughts
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Agreed. I wonder if McCormack is going to follow up by identifying actual projects. He seemed a little ambivalent, but maybe I read too much into it.
He has talked about visiting and he did a sat raiser for an electricity project I think (?). Being hosted by Gridless may give a different impression to being hosted by a clean water charity though… no criticism but just a free form thought.