Want to break the FUD around no internet crippling bitcoin, bitcoiners need to setup wireless networks across the globe. Luckily, a lot of the hard work to do this has already been done.
Is there a specific ARES bitcoin project?
None that I'm aware of, but since the network of ARES repeaters and such exist already, it may be trivial to get bitcoiners involved and then have redundant comms in case of disaster/emergency. just can't spook all the HAM people. lots of boomers (no offense, just an age description) that would likely spook at the mention of bitcoin. but who knows where it would go!
Hey, I'm one of those boomers! Seriously, this boomer is having a hell of a time renewinghis license. I'm expired but within the grace period. Any tips? The site keeps giving me errors. Possible VPN issue?
No idea! My license doesn't expire until 2024. Look forward to learning from you. 😅 it's a govt site soooo.... basically a shitcoin.