Starting to realize modern society for lack of a better term is a coincidence and I believe we have passed the point of no return and we will have to experience life how it used to be or worse before we can achieve something better again as a species. This probably wont help anyone. But low tech may be the future. Still probably wont help anyone saying this. But having a low tech hobby could be liberating. Maybe thats the thought for today. Get a low tech hobby and/or skill however big or small.
For example, can you forage firewood? Its not as simple as it sounds and you can save yourself some trial and error by researching with the means you have available TODAY. Spoiler: Fallen logs sitting on the ground are bad for firewood. It should be dead, free standing or leaning and essentially dried by the wind.
Can you forage plants? Do you know which ones in your area you can rely on in an emergency? Find out today. Spoiler: Dandelions may be safe to eat in an emergency.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
I think the human race is a failure from the get-go, we've managed to get to where we are through greed and profiteering off of others and while doing so turning the planet into a shit hole of waste and toxins.
We can't even live in harmony with our own species, let alone the many other species and life forms inhabiting this planet. It's always a "What can I get out of this" which, in the end, screws everyone.