is there a product? what is the slug? how do I get my ham license?
Ever check out bitcoin over radio? I haven't looked into it in a while, but it could be game changing if the internet is down.
i haven't looked into it yet, but I'm very interested, and after seeing this post i listened to the latest Thank God for NOSTR which featured NVK and is all about mesh networks, so maybe the universe is telling me something.
Oh! Didn't know about that podcast. Adding it to the queue.
I listen to ALL the nostr podcasts by searching "nostr" in my podcast player about once every two weeks.
no product yet. just education. is how you can learn and get licensed.
If there were a product, what would you like to see?
I imagine there are enough existing products, so I'm mostly interested in resources and communities! thanks for the link
I personally am interested in exploring what might be able to accomplish. it says it's usable over packet radio (which is a subset of HAM radio stuffs). There's a whole heap of frequencies out there to be utilized!
This sounds incredible. Is it operational now?