Whatever you can save it depends. But 100% in Bitcoin for sure. Saving in fiat is the worst thing you can do unless we would be in deflation.
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Saving in fiat is the worst thing you can do unless we would be in deflation.
It's not that obvious. And -2% CPI inflation is still 5% M2 money supply inflation. (As they sum to 7%)
They put a reference point at 0% CPI. But we bitcoiners know better, CPI is bullshit human made metric. Raw money supply inflation matters. Its objective and independent from arbitrary product baskets.
Fiast system biggest 'success' is convincing people that they need to beat CPI to be fine.
What if I'm saving for a purchase that will happen in 12 months?
Also, are you saving 100% in BTC. No USD savings at all?
putting some in a HYSA is a good idea, imo
Why would you save in the worst asset and not in the best asset? If you save in USD, after 12 months, you will probably need more USD than initially saved because the item has increased in price.
Also it depends on which country you live. Imagine saving in Argentine's pesos instead of USD. There the answer is more obvious to save 100% in BTC.
I’m saving in USD.
I’ve saved in Bitcoin for 3 years and I’ve barely broken even from a USD perspective. I’m the biggest bull when it comes to BTC but I’m a perfect example of what you’re saying does not actually work in reality.