So I’m always hesitant to say what other people should do. I like to just tell people what I do. So here’s what I do with these questions.
I’m a self employed realtor, so you can imagine my income is very volatile. Almost as volatile is bitcoin ha ha. So each month is a little different.
When I get paid, I immediately put 20% into savings. After that, I start budgeting for the month I’m in. and the next month. Whatever is left, which is usually at least another 20% I put into savings as well
Savings for a self-employed individual is our lifeline. If you don’t have savings you won’t make it.
As far as the budget goes, I don’t treat it like a religion. Sometimes we’re under budget and sometimes we’re over budget. Realistically, my budgeting software is more like a tracking system to me to just keep a on our entire financial picture. I use YNAB as my budgeting software.
Depending on how many deals I have coming up in the future months, that’s how I determine my future bitcoin allocation. I don’t dollar cost average I just lump sum. At the end of every month as long as I have a one year runway in my savings account I’ll ape in huge lump sums (at least huge for me)
When you’re self-employed it’s hard to come up with rules. Based on systems and percentages. If you try to do that, you’ll drive yourself crazy, feel inadequate etc.
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