FYI this has nothing to do with musig2 itself, just pumping the bags of descriptors and PSBTs.
It's kind of asinine to suggest that musig2 is 'not ready' until descriptors and PSBTs figure out their own mess. I have been using musig2 for many months now, never once needed a PSBT or descriptor.
Musig2 is a great protocol. BIP327 has a good reference implementation in python. I have a tapscript version on npm if you search for musig2.
I wouldn't have said 'pumping the bags', lol, but this was also my immediate reaction to the blog post. It will leave any reader under the impression that MuSig2 isn't ready and can't be used - in a very fundamental sense, both are not true. (Like, we've both used it, for a start :) ).