How is this question got 827 sats?:)) I use tailscale and zeus is working fine, maybe it's a tor issue? I always had problems with connectivity when I was using tor
Nope, not tor. Could be how the app is performing on the graphene OS? Re how did the poat get zaps, it's because stackers pressed the little lightning bolt to the left of the post. You don't seem to do that so much.
Could be, I'm not familiar with graphene, iOS version is working fine. I was confused as post is a question and it was 0 replies, so you don't expect many zaps ;)
Yes, I was surprised too. It was a simple question that I didnt expect to get any attention. I've been here a while. You never know what posts will attract sats. One thing I do know, though, is that everyone benefits when stackers generously spread sats around. When people first discover Stacker News they tend to naturally hodl their precious sats. That's counterproductive here. It quite literally pays to be generous. Each sat you give goes into a pot that's paid out to fellow stackers every day. In other words, you should pitch as well as catch.