I have been running Asahi Linux Fedora on an M1 for a while. At first it was barely usable, now it's almost perfect.
A few things that don't (yet) work on my Gnome:
  • Fractional scaling (you can only set the screen scaling to integers so: 100%, 200%, when the ideal is probably around 150% in a 13 inch screen). I made it 100% and used a font scaling factor of <1 in Gnome Tweaks. I think this is not an issue with KDE
  • Night shift (can be mitigated by using dark mode and blue blocking glasses)
  • HDMI out (really miss this one!)
  • Running VMs (with Boxes or VMM - I did not yet manage)
  • Tor Browser and Mullvad Browser official builds (there are third party builds though)
One of the best tweaks I implemented was switching the Control key with the Command key (and readjusting some key mappings). All the defaults now like Ctrl+C can be used pressing Cmd+C which is more natural and obvious with a Mac keyboard.
Fractional scaling (you can only set the screen scaling to integers so: 100%, 200%, when the ideal is probably around 150% in a 13 inch screen). I made it 100% and used a font scaling factor of <1 in Gnome Tweaks. I think this is not an issue with KDE That's a Gnome problem, apparently their fix will be to scale elements of the UI as if they were fonts which, according to them, will work better than fractional scaling and will fix the blurriness on all fractionally scaled apps.
@k00b @ekzyis any idea why I'm not seeing SN in dark mode when everything else is (OS, browser, other sites)?
Could I ask for a setting to force dark mode? (Doing this from the Rendering tab in the console does switch the site to dark mode.) Living without night shift ain't easy
Did you set dark mode in the footer?
Oh I see! I was looking for that in settings. Thanks!
Are you using it now as your daily?
What would it take to go all-in and no longer maintain a macOS partition? Or have you already done so?
Yes, daily. I kept the macOS partition around just in case.