I think Freiburg BitDevs is going to beat Austin BitDevs with the number of participants that showed up on the first meeting :)
I asked around and I already have two people that will very likely show up and some that said they are interested from the existing local bitcoin meetup (which isn't technical) but I am not sure if they will indeed show up.
According to @benthecarman, three people showed up at the first meeting of Austin BitDevs. @benthecarman, was that including the organizer or without?
But to be fair, it's also almost 2024 (and the start of a bull run?). So makes sense that there are at least a few more people interested in bitcoin than 2-3 years ago (?) when Austin BitDevs started. :)
(yes, I just pretended that I live in Freiburg. Or at least in the vicinity close to Freiburg? Or at least in the same country? Or at least in the same timezone? Or at least in the same hemisphere? ... lol)
Time for a little wager?
Lol. I would take you up on the bet but I'm already heavily invested in another bet with @orthwyrm.
Ahh yeah, it was!
I'm not gonna win, so I'll fold early. __@_'-'
Anything can happen in the next few days but thank you for folding early. It was a pleasure doing business with you. 🤝
Was it you I bet 10k sats for sub-$100 BNB by Christmas?
Looks like I'm going to lose this one.
Yes, it was me buddy #324553
I wouldn't bet. I thought it could be a prediction market type thing!