I see but why they require such expensive tiquets (ex: 899$) for ?
You and I are talking about different things. The big, expensive meet ups are one thing. If you want to spend a lot of sats and hang out with "influencers", you can, but I wouldn't. Local meet ups are almost always free. Look for them where you live. You can find people in your area right here on Stacker News, or through other sources.
My question was about the point of thos expensive meetups not the local one
I didnt ask the question well
The vast majority of effort put into the events is for profit. That’s their point. I haven’t and won’t go to one so I can’t speak for the level of signal there but I suspect a lot of it won’t be organic.
Local bitcoin meetups are always free afaik. You just go there and meet people.
I think you're talking about bitcoin events or conferences.