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can the americans please wait with their civil war until I've fled into a cabin in the woods
I hope you've got that grab bag packed my friend
At this point, Americans are so dependent on the Federal government, that a civil war is impossible. The instant some state tries anything, the President can stop all the Social Security checks to the elderly in that state, and the elderly will flood the streets of the state capital demanding an end to whatever it is the state is doing.
The only way this could change is if the US Dollar were to become so worthless that few bother to cash welfare checks.
So, sometime in 2025.
So, sometime in 2025.
It is dangerous to think that the Dollar collapse is right around the corner. It will lead you to take risks that will impoverish you.
Moreover, you should assume that hyperbitcoinization will occur immediately after you die, and that only your heirs will see it. Any perspective short of that will lead to disaster.
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Keep him off the ballot! Save democracy!
The radical left is panicking! Maybe they should change their media strategy and start fuck...g around in public.
Im less than excited about him, but more irritated about the fact that our tyrants are telling us who we can and cant vote for.
Somewhat related: I remember hearing some claim that Trump was the real person elected in 2020, and that he would step up at some point. It was some genuine Q-tardery.
Those people also said he should run in 2024. But if he was elected in 2016 and in 2020, then he would be ineligible to run a third time in 2024.
Donald Trump got 0 electoral college votes from Colorado in 2020, so who cares? This will just help him raise more money from his followers, and allow him to take all donations from Coloradans and funnel them into other states.