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I knew it! Keep them Toyotas moving.
Lol! Greets to NY
How is everything? Back in Spain?
Yes fine, thanks. I'm sitting in the sun having a coffee right now. Lovely winter here with 18-20 degrees C. How are You?
We had a nice rain/wind storm yesterday that took down some trees. I don't mind a good storm. It's getting colder here as winter approaches, but all is well inside with the wood stove.
Sounds lovely (except the thing with the tree).
Yes. I must get in gear and do my morning chores. I misplaced my motivation!
Alright. I am going to visit Tom in Spain. It is like the "day after tomorrow" outside right now where I live. We had snow and rain yesterday and a lot of wind so everything froze over. Looks pretty cool but tenuous for walking.
You're always welcome. I've been in Germany for a few days and directly got a flew (first in 5 years!). I need the sun like my air to breeth.