These so called leaps are attributed to something called the "technological singularity." Essentially, it means that as technology progresses, it enables further advancements at a quicker rate. Each technological breakthrough serves as a foundation for new developments, leading to a compounding effect where progress accelerates due to the tools, knowledge, and capabilities provided by existing technologies.
Due to advancements in microscopics, super cooling and information sharing Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity when he observed mercury's electrical resistance drop to zero at temperatures near absolute zero.
There are people wayyyy smarter and with access to wayyy more resources than the ordinaries like you and I that are the single reason for these leaps.
That's true, I don't pretend to understand how we've made these leaps. But we have and I'd not heard of "technological singularity" before but it makes total sense. The example you gave about mercury is a great one to show how one tiny breakthrough can cascade into massive implications.
I’m glad my insights helped. It never hurts to question things, infact I think it’s vital. Just don’t fall into rabbit holes. The brain will find patterns along the way, make sure it finds the rights ones!
Trust nothing, verify everything 👍