I'm sure it's coming but subscriptions would be cool, including the ability to charge people recurring fee to subscribe to your territory.
Could be similar to reddit, where your "Home" page shows only posts from territories to which you are subscribed and "Front Page" shows most popular throughout all territories.
I'm sure subscriptions might be first, if only for the SN anti territory contingent. I can certainly see their point.
yup front page getting a bit noisy for those who just want BTC content
I am all for subscribing to certain territories but personally I don't think there should be a fee. If they are happy with the content they can zap. k00b did mention eventual sub territories that the founders can charge a recurring fee for but hopefully that is a ways down the road. Let's see what territories stick before we start making subs of territories.
Sorry for the late reply, but I agree here 100%. I don't see subscription fees.
It could be an option... like more exclusive communities. Possibly could also toggle to set % fees to donate to SN pool or owner or back to territory contributors.
... Or it might just overcomplicate things 🤷‍♂️ Basic subscription feature would probably be the priority for the near future.