Hi, I'm the founder of ~art and ~funny because even though I spend way too much time obsessing about ~economics, ~bitcoin, running a ~lightning node, ~programming, and all the other things, I want to spend more time making art and laughing.
My territories feel nascent at this stage. I'm mostly waiting for more development that drives these toward the path of overtaking Reddit. Even though SN was designed to work initially like HN but with sats, I think there's a bigger opportunity to take over Reddit entirely. The are a few things missing that I think would be huge (in no particular order):
  1. a search bar for territories like reddit has for subs (so as more territories get created, they can be less burdensome on the dropdown
  2. fixing the referral bugs (I've had quite a few people sign up on my referral but not get associated or gifted sats) https://m.stacker.news/8684
  3. The ability for users to subscribe to territories, not just users (and to tailor their home page with subscribed territories only) -- this would create a 4th main nav point for global or something like that, which would do what the current home page does
  4. The ability to upload videos--or embed a video tag pointing to an IPFS hosted video :)
  5. image thumbnails in home screen view if content has an image associated with it
  6. Minor one: longer titles... I mean some jokes really need a bit of title setup before the body punchline like this: Title: Future generations will think "Baby It's Cold Outside" is a really weird song and we'll have to explain that it was a product of its time" Body: because it used to get cold outside.
  7. The ability to add sub-moderators and to moderate content in territories
and a crazy idea:
  • private territories / invite only (an extreme level of moderation) where territories could be entirely locked for engagement and/or where content could be hidden to non-members (and membership might be fee based to the founder or applied to a private territory reward pool). This idea could replace my private Slack instance with friends and we would just zap sats to each other on this platform and have better threaded conversations (slack is not good at threading below one level).
Ultimately, if this site keeps adding features, it could take over a lot of other things.
Tons of great ideas here 🔥 And completely agree that swallowing Reddit is the endgame. I've been a hardcore Redditor my entire life, so the opportunity to supplant it with a Bitcoin-powered upgrade gets me infinitely hyped.
The ability for users to subscribe to territories, not just users (and to tailor their home page with subscribed territories only)
Absolutely. I know this is in the roadmap for the SN team, but this should be at the very top of the list IMO. Will provide a much-needed boost to Territory participation and usability for everyone on SN.
Minor one: longer titles
Agree that the small title length is rough for certain topics; it'd be cool if that were editable by the founder.