Great idea. This could be a good place to suggest features, rant, commiserate, etc. One thing comes to mind for me right now that I'd like to discuss:

Ability to moderate, censor, remove posts.

This is a real double edged sword for me. Some of us may want the control, but I'm leaning towards not wanting that feature. Once that bell is rung, we can't unring it. We could at some point be deemed responsible for posts made in our territory. This will involve the time and expense of moderating and policing every post. I would prefer to keep it as SN is now. If you don't like something, flag it or moot the poster.
Just hope the community votes with it's sats. I personally don't feel I have the time to moderate and police a territory. Hopefully voting with sats will keep the place ticking along on its own.
yep this is kinda how i am approaching things..let the market decide what content my territory curates.
Territory details are very important to help the initial filter, but yes if territories grow to become much larger then self-moderation just wont work (for me at least lol). Will need to hire ~earth interns xD
Yeah when SN grows beyond the capability of single owners for territories, groups of moderators may become necessary.
Maybe some form of a user flag (sats still required) for posts that are not relevant to the particular territory or if it hits a certain "dislike" ratio (not sure about that one). If it hits a certain threshold, it is "removed" to the "removed" section of the territory, but is still viewable if users want to view it, leaving the higher quality posts more readily seen.
Just a thought.
Sounds like a job for a Sheriff?