If I'm not mistaken there was more of a balance months ago, which makes sense. Can someone explain to me why we have this lottery, where people try to guess and game the system? What's wrong with rewarding good posts and comments and zapping good posts and comments every day, equally?
I think the predictability could be gamed, which is probably why the randomness was introduced to begin with. If you have certain strategies to game the system, it’s inherently a gamble if you don’t know which reward type is going to be chosen on a given day.
I trust k00b and co to find the right balance, I just wanted to share a suggestion.
you’re right, that was a past experiment and i am most optimistic about that one of all the rewards structures SN has tried so far, especially as creators start investing a lot of time into earning on SN.
however, i think there will still be lots of experimenting going forward with different levers as we’re all still learning how money and social media can/should interact with each other.
I appreciate the experimentation, and hope we grow a thriving ecosystem here! Looking forward to continued growth!