This is just a thought but it looks as if Reddit is declining. Thankfully StackerNews is flourishing.
Any objective measures that suggest reddit is dying?
The new UI shows a news section. This indicates a focus on MSM content (propaganda) rather than user generated content.
Ahhh I use old.reddit interface. Was wondering if their traffic was down over time or something.
honestly I'm seeing deleted accounts but personally know people just now joining up.
They also seem to have improved their suggestion algos. I browsed and found it much more addictive.
They, or users, or selectivity algos, seem to be doing something with AI. Lot of the questions nowadays seem like they are really trying to drive as much attention and interaction. There used to be a lot more "Hey just wanted to with everybody a happy day!" and "Anyone know a good chocolate shop in the Twin Cities?" and now it's like "What's the worst thing an ex has ever done to you after breaking up?"
After Territories were released, Reddit is a dead man walking.
Good. I remember being sucked into that hellhole for so many years and being censored as my worldview shifted.
Happens to the best ;) But Reddit always seemed to keep an image of allowing some level of open discussion and knowledge sharing.
deleted by author