You see this in the Linux crowd a lot too.
Radical thinkers who wanted to change the world and give away free software can't seem to wrap their heads around the public good that is Bitcoin.
I think a big part of it is tech people who have a lot of confidence in their opinion and think they are qualified to make judgments about things that are tech adjacent.
They feel like they understand the tech behind these projects, and assume they understand more than they really do... And that says nothing about the economics. :)
As someone who works in software for finance: Yes. Yes. Yes.
I NEVER hear the finance guys tell me how tp program a for-loop or configs for a server. But I quite frequently hear the IT guys tell me something about economics which is simply wrong or oversimplifications - it helps to show them investopedia or wikipedia links. But it's kind of infuriating that they are so overconfident.