Hey guys! I am new to crypto world and willing to learn more about Bitcoin and Bitcoin lightning. Can you help me with some sats to start testing Lightning Wallets? Would really appreciate it 🙏🏼
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Great mentions. Adding the following since you mentioned Samourai, they have an eco-system of software based on how deep OP decides to go the rabbit hole in Bitcoin:
  • Sentinel (Watch Only)
  • Samourai Wallet (Which you already mentioned)
  • Dojo ( Samourai's Bitcoin Node implementation)
  • RoninOS/UI (Dojo stack rounded with a bunch of node-side tools to help manage & spend UTXOs and remain private)
  • RoninDojo (Plug & Play RoninOS hardware)
  • Whirlpool (coinjoin implementation, available in some other wallets also!)
Thanks a lot everyone for your help!