I'm VERY new to the carnivore diet, and am not eating completely carnivore. But overall it's been very positive for me, I have much more energy. My current plan is to keep it up.
Anyway, for people that have been aware of the carnivore diet for longer than I have - it seems like there's a controversy on whether to include fruits and honey, or not? With Dr. Anthony Chaffee (Plant Free MD) being a carnivore only guy, and some formerly carnivore only guys apparently switching to including some fruits and honey - like for instance, Paul Saladino? Aparently Saladino started having electrolyte balance issues, problems sleeping, etc., and now eats about 300 grams of carbs a day. That seems like quite a bit. He has a long detailed podcast about his reasons for doing so,
Any thoughts?
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This video touches on this question throughout: #368435
The reason why Saladino had problems come up is because he eats so many organs, which caused vitamin imbalances. Similar thing happened to Carnivore Aurelius, which is why he eats fruit now.
Both good dudes with good intentions to educate, but are taking the wrong approach to fixing problems that arose from them getting too fancy with organ meats that are not necessary for optimal function.
I know Chaffee and Saladino have had debates on this before, as have Ken Berry and Saladino; might be worth checking out on YouTube. I haven't watched these clashes yet myself but definitely need to.
Awesome, thanks. I found the debates and will be watching them:
Ken Berry and Saladino: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GQR7VHuzcs4
Eat what best suits you. Each body works sligthly different despite general mechanics is the same..
Find your balance by trial and error on what fits you best
Good point, but I think a lot of what, in the modern diet, is bad for us doesn't necessarily cause immediate negative effects.
I had been eating the same way for more than a decade (very conventionally healthy, no processed foods, lots of fruits and veggies, lots of whole grains, some meat but not too much). And I feel very noticeably more energetic with a meat/egg heavy diet. But it wasn't a specific negative in my former diet that was the problem.
I just listened to a Plant Free MD podcast (episode 47) where the topic of adding fruits to the diet comes up. The day after he ate a banana, he has a strong negative side effect (or something along those lines). What I'm thinking about are the more subtle effects.
(Also in case anyone is interested, going very heavy on meat/eggs leads to a VERY noticeable reduction in gas. And having even half of a normal size carb serving, like some mashed potatoes or something, causes it to flare up again).