1. "Ikigai" - This concept refers to having a reason for being, a goal in life. Finding your ikigai can bring a sense of fulfillment and direction to your life and help you feel motivated and happy.
  2. "Ganbaru" - This word means to persist, never to give up, even in the face of adversity. Embracing this mindset can help you persevere through challenges and achieve your goals, giving you a greater sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
  3. "Shoganai" - This phrase translates to "cannot be avoided". Accepting that some things are beyond our control and learning to move on can bring a sense of peace and freedom from stress and frustration.
  4. "Kanban" - This term refers to a board or poster. In a life context, it can mean setting goals and visualizing the path to achieving them, which can bring clarity and focus to your life.
  5. "Wabi-sabi" - This concept celebrates the beauty of imperfection and the impermanence of life. Embracing wabi-sabi can help you appreciate the present moment, find joy in simple things, and live a more mindful life.
  6. "Shikata ga nai" - This phrase means "it cannot be helped." By accepting what we can't change and focusing on what we can, we can reduce stress and anxiety and live a more satisfied life.
  7. "Kodawari" - This term refers to a passionate commitment to something, whether it be a personal hobby or a professional project. Pursuing your passions with this level of dedication can bring great satisfaction and fulfillment to your life.
  8. "Shouganai" - This phrase translates to "it is what it is". Accepting life's challenges and setbacks with this attitude can help you live in the present moment and not get bogged down by regrets or worries.
  9. "Yuzurenai" - This word means "don't give up". Maintaining this determination and never giving up on your goals and dreams can bring a sense of pride and accomplishment, as well as a positive change in your life.
  10. "Nanakorobi yaoki" - This proverb means "fall seven times, get up eight." Embracing this tenacity and resilience can help you persevere through challenges and setbacks, bringing a sense of inner strength and fortitude into your life.
  11. "Kokoro" - This word refers to the heart and spirit. Cultivating a strong, positive kokoro can bring joy, peace and fulfillment to your life, as well as inspire others.
  12. "Shinto" - This term means "the way of the gods". Living with a sense of spiritual purpose, following your own moral code and connecting with the divine can bring a sense of peace and contentment to your life.
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