The problem is, most of the world - which currently controls most of the capital - doesn't understand this.
And doesn't want to, because most scalable assets in the world are not bearer instruments.
They will opt for the ETF because it's easier to manage, easier to account for and easier to plan taxes around.
This is why I'm trying so hard to drum in the message of getting to ONE #Bitcoin for the people that DO truly get it.
Because whether you agree with someone that self custody is important or not, #Bitcoin is a monetary network.
Which means, every $ injected has fair value.
You can think one thing and have your ideals, but if you don't act quickly enough, you will be priced out from the ideal you preach about.
This is getting extremely urgent now and the relevancy of my message and the message of all #Bitcoin Maxi's is on a leash of time in my opinion.
Sure, one day you might be able to earn #Bitcoin - but in my opinion, that's not coming for a long time.
So the only way to get it is to acquire it, and if the price goes up before you stop talking and start buying.
You will miss it.
It became clear that ETF is a part of the plan for regulatory capture of Bitcoin.