I didn't market it myself outside of SN. Someone at @Alby just found out about ~oracle by themselves and then DMed me to say they are watching ~oracle closely and the prediction market that I am building. The most funny part was that they were making the exact same kind of joke that I am using. I predict... X.
That's when I realized I am really not alone with my dedication and interest in PMs on lightning, lol
So not sure if this counts as me trying to do marketing myself outside SN?
But I definitely know what you mean. The idea to play chess against @needcreations_ and stream it while creating a PM is definitely an idea that is related to marketing for me. It's just an too obvious simple use case to make streams more interesting and demonstrate to everyone that PMs are here to stay and I'm serious. I just couldn't not bring up this idea, lol
I predict that PMs are going to blow up this cycle.
Yours seems to me to be a special case. I mean, you built something that is in some respects unique. I'm guessing you won't need to market much. People will be coming to you. Seriously, that's some damn good work you did.
Seriously, that's some damn good work you did.
Thanks, I sure hope people see how much work I put into it even though it still is shit since it's just a MVP for now, lol
I am also very sorry that I literally just felt like I had to do this and thus basically disappeared from SN for a week as @k00b mentioned on SNL last week.
But building this thing and seeing it coming alive slowly but surely is truly something special to see in my life, lol
Next to working at SN of course :)
It was WELL worth the time and effort, and I never use caps.:)
Take all the sats this freebie has :)