I don't think this is quite using the Liquidity Ads protocol yet, but i know t-bast and the rest of the team at ACINQ are working towards having it implemented soon.
One of the benefits of using liquidity ads for this (vs the current launch which uses a proprietary, ACINQ only design) is that it would open up Phoenix users to a wider market than just being able to buy inbound from ACINQ.
Imagine a lightning wallet where each channel is with a different LSP. When you send or receive payments, your wallet/the network automatically figures out the best and cheapest way to make use of the available liquidity from a variety of LSP networks.
Now that's an open standard for payment rails!
Some things that I think are incredibly cool about this:
  • gives you a guarantee for a year as a buyer! one thing we're talking about at the protocol level is how hard we should make this guarantee: is it something we should leave as a soft promise or should we enforce it in the signed contracts that the seller can't move their funds?
  • gets the user experience of liquidity ads into more peoples hands, before we nail the spec down! one of the hard things about protocol development is how long it takes for that to impact users. ACINQ is doing an amazing job of getting this into users hands to try it out and experiment with before we finalize how the spec works.
Imagine a lightning wallet where each channel is with a different LSP.
I love the possibilities around charging for liquidity, but as a wallet creator this is the last thing I want to support lol. For one this removes all splicing optimizations. For two, how would picking which to receive from be a cost-savings feature? I see it more of a reliability improvement.
different LSPs presumably have different views of the network and might have different prevailing rates thru it for payments.
whats cool is that a payment sender’s node already splits payments across channels (ty MPP) so youll seamlessly be able to benefit from this without much work in existing clients etc