Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Just highlighting a fun post. Join in the fun with your best Yo Mama is so fiat joke.
At what point does the cost of basing your business in the U.S and Europe become a severe disadvantage? Seems to me we may now be approaching that inflexion point.
This is an interesting thought experiment. I am in Canada and was indirectly thinking along these lines today as I was walking through the downtown area of our town. The area was bustling today as we have many folks from the city already arriving for Christmas. It was nice to see all the local shops, restaurants and cafes filled with patrons.
Ever since I sold my business almost 2 years ago now. I have been keeping an open mind and open eye to what business I might start next, which I plan to at some point when the itch to do so it greater than the itch to not do so. I saw a small vacant commercial space next to a boutique hotel and I started thinking about what I could do with that space but was resigned to thinking about business licenses, permits to redevelop the space, the cost to build out something, financing, all types of insurance, hiring, payroll, taxes, and so on. You get the picture. I started to think more about the barriers to entry than what was possible.
Maybe just a sign that I am not that motivated to start something again or that something with a physical location shouldn't be considered. But also maybe a sign that even for seasoned entrepreneurs starting certain businesses just doesn't make financial sense and aren't worth the hassle anymore.
I know this isn't really what you were getting at but thought it was adjacent to your point.
It’s absolutely what I was getting at. Love hearing insights like this. The regulatory burden for all businesses is increasingly prohibitive.
Go to Colombia, Paraguay or many other traditionally ‘backwards’ countries and all you need to do is pay the money upfront and if you’re motivated you could open a store next week. This I suspect was how it used to be in the West, very agile and entrepreneurial. That feels alien now. Opening a physical store/restaurant/hotel in Canada, Europe or U.S these days requires probably that you want to do it for the passion, not for a decent living or for the profit motive. Especially given the paperwork involved & setup costs involved.
If you can even imagine it, there were periods where you didn't even have to pay the money upfront. If you felt like starting a business, you just started a business.
oh, I can! It still working like this in some places: you just DO it and accept cash - people used to work at home too, just sell the surplus in the first place.
Business is quite a big word TBH, how about just doing what you are good at and enjoy, and it also provides value to others at the same time, so much easier to understand! Now it's about MBA ( title ), PPT, and many fancy numbers to fool others, or even creating problems to sell solutions, madness.
Well said.
I went to a waving village before and was told all the retail shops weren't even there 20 years ago, and most people used to work at home and then sell their products, then slowly opening small workshops; but then everything is moving to big factories now, and these manufactures are competing for marketing or price instead of quality or craftsmanship, and roughly 7 people are left still doing waving the traditional way out of the whole village! quite depressed to see how fiat money is ruining traditions.
then I got to meet two craftsmen and spent some time with them, we made some nice products together, and I paid them in cash; if more people value quality and appreciate people's passion instead of marketing, and say what they mean, mean what they say, maybe things don't need to be so complicated at all, the whole reason why having all this corporation setup is mainly to protect yourself from dishonest people, but then if we are really being real about the "law", the whole corporation thing and law are actually protection for the "bad guys."... but that's another topic.
I just feel that maybe Bitcoin can reshape our understanding of business, corporating by contracts, not by laws. cc @Lux
This is a rabbit hole I only started uncovering. I'm also in the camp: "I want to have a business but not at the condition of becoming a circus monkey." A handbook about trusts, a way to do commerce without handing over sovereignty:
There are definitely some sole proprietors who provide off the books services, but the idea of having a brick-and-mortar store without state permission is very foreign to us. I'm glad you've experienced that degree of freedom first hand.
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Haha. This is awesome. Stealing it.
maybe the future of running business is with a node and POW, then everything else decentralized - belong to nowhere yet it's everywhere.
Totally. I mean that is similar to how things are now (with the ‘cloud’) just not in name.
When working for yourself and maybe a few corporate clients, this is definitely optimal.
When serving tens of thousands of individual users & a few employees, B2C, the archaic systems are still somewhat rigged towards a physical location. You often need the legal protection that a business provides.
When serving tens of thousands of individual users & a few employees, B2C, the archaic systems are still somewhat rigged towards a physical location. You need the legal protection that a business provides.
But then look at Bitcoin:)!
100%. I realise I could sound like someone with a cuck-mentality above.
I just meant that there are benefits to being a small fish & unregistered or being big and having legal protection in favourable jurisdictions. Especially if you are not exclusively online.
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Which mad person donated 200k sats to rewards?! 👀
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Anyone found a good workflow or way to manage browser tabs?
Stressful to have so many windows open, but I always think 'what if I close and forget something'? Surely A.I. has solved this already. Given it's Friday already, I'm mulling force closing all my browsers windows right now and starting over. But will I regret it? 😅
'what if I close and forget something
just close them, the act of closing itself make you don't take anything for granted, like you know @nemo is gonna delete everything so you pay more attention for those deep and fun stuff:)
I wipe my browser history and laptop from time to time, just to make sure I backup everything important, otherwise I'm the one to be blamed.
That is a (spring) clean desk policy. Definitely good practice.
same for read books, don't hoard them, absorb the good stuff then fine to let go:)
Better still... write-up the best bits on Stacker News and hand-off the book to a friend.
yes, I normally gift them to people around me or donate them:)
I wipe my browser history and laptop from time to time, just to make sure I backup everything important, otherwise I'm the one to be blamed.
Encrypting everything and throwing away the keys is the new wiping
This makes me think browsers should have a 'save all my tabs for later' feature to harvest that netflix watch list energy.
I guess there is Browse History, but it’s just not the same thing. I’m surprised the way we browse the internet has not changed in like 10 years.
Then I remembered this awesome concept… which i seem to remember you posted before @k00b?
I don't recall posting it before but maybe!
Who knows why I thought that. Or where I came across it. No worries...I will burn all the tabs for now.
⚡️SNL at 4pm - Texas time today / join us in the chat.
🤘Zap.Stream, YouTube and Twitter
this freebie will watch the stream closely
where is the chat? here?
here or on youtube or, will cruise by the saloon
ya zap stream worked
will cruise by there next week to look at the comments
ah ok, excited to see the saloon in the stream :)
but you can also cruise by the battle against the freebies
FYI - I swear the banner didn't go up today. Also was saying 'stream offline', but probably just for me. Catching up now...
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Can confirm. I forgot the banner. 🥲
Can confirm. This freebie did not remind @k00b to not forget it again, lol
edit: someone broke my freebie streak again
What's with these accounts that every post is tagged freebie?
Are they bots?
no, they just don't have sats and thus didn't pay their fee. they have limited visibility. you should only see them if you have greeter mode enabled in your settings
Gotcha but they should have some sats after getting zaps.
good point. maybe they immediately withdraw any sats they get lol or i am forgetting something about how freebie zaps work
i am going to try something, hold my sats
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What's up cowboys ~ Take a minute and make a poll in ~polls Shill your expertise in ~education Join our ~chess club ⚡⚡⚡🧡🧡🧡
can you reply to me in Discord?
i have prepared my memes for Meme Monday
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Hey gang!!! The weekend is about to start so let's take that time to relax and recharge ourselves. Final school day for me, 3 weeks of holidays but gotta keep working on my second job, so no rest for the wicked, it will be a great weekend and the holidays are juuuust around the corner. I wish you all a stupendous Friday, may it be filled with profit, success and happiness. Thank you for being and remember that you're awesome and what you do is important. You, my friend, are awesome!!! Be well and stay frosty!!!
Stay frosty dude!
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Its entirely possible that the future will suck
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GM ⚡☕🧡
Stay Humble
Could you possibly tell me where I can download this in high resolution? Did you create it yourself? Nice work!
No and no, sorry
98 days as a Cowboy! I’ve learned so much but have much to go!
What has been the best lesson you learned cowboy?
Growing in my adoption to truly adopt bitcoin and not to just see it as an investment. One example was sending sats to a fruit vendor in El Salvador as our Secret Santa! Still a long way to go, but SN has been a tremendous help!
Wow! I've only been wearing the hat for 14 days, maybe is time to wash it but only have a bottle of whiskey on hand and I'm thirsty 🤠
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I just had the best Boza in my life, and yet it costs only 15TL, about 1200 sats - it took some walk to find that old shop, but it's so worth it!
I often wonder if these people are doing charity, you have a few shops like this but then you have many average ones but doing everything they could or even tailor for tourists, with average/bad quality but with a way higher price.
And many things work like this in our society, e.g.
  • the real interesting people barely use social media, yet you see many people with a "fun" life posting in everywhere;
  • the best products are made by people who love making them, and yet you have all the fancy brands focusing on the packaging and marketing.
and many more, I guess the cheat code is to see through the surface and verify what is really inside.
Just a few days ago, I realized I have been wasting my sats on Domino's pizza all this time, while I could have just used another pizzeria (L'Osteria) that I knew people who have been living here way longer than me really like. It's bigger, better quality, closer but still cheaper and more personal. I can show how patient I can be since they can be quite busy but still be very nice and acknowledge that I have been waiting for longer than they initially told me. One time they were so busy, the guy taking orders and giving out orders to guest waiting on tables, he had to literally ask me if I already paid because he just couldn't tell anymore. I simply said no. He was happy since I just simply told him the truth and then I simply paid and asked him: "Busy day, eh?"
He looked at me, smiling: "Yeah, you could say that."
Then he didn't give me 5 cents of my change and said: "Something tells me you don't need these 5 pennies."
So there is even some personal social component going on with this place now :)
lol I guess I got what I deserved for not listening to @Natalia all this time :)
lol, I even still write your nym wrong sometimes
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I see what you did there :)
At least I think so 🤔
And also not sure if @Onions does 🤔
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it's quite a popular winter drink in Turkey, and it have some health benefits too - many hacks are integrated in food here:)!
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that you are missing A LOT, look up salep too, which is mixing with cinnamon - life is so good again with these simple drinks 😂😂
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I barely drink milk, mostly for cooking only 👀
only boring drinks :3
but the good news is much for you to explore, @DarthCoin shared his sherbet receipt before
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What’s your MBTI profile? How much stock do you place in it? Do you think it’s psychobabble hogwash or do you use it as a reference guide for your personality?
ISTP :) and I do love solving problems 🤓
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I for sure; INTJ?
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omg, hhaha
I know @birdeye21 is INTJ too, and most of my friends irl are INTJs:)) I like these types - honest, don't talk so much BS, and generally have a good brain ( a bit annoying sometimes hahahha, but who doesn't )
INTJs unite!
can confirm annoying brain sometimes, especially to myself lolol
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INTP master race checking in.
While I don't think its predictive power is zero, there's only a certain level of accuracy you can get with 16 categories. I find it fun to guess what groups people I know fall into.
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I wish we could find a bartender like Sheldon Leonard
Hi everyone @Saloon
How to earn from Rewards pool on @sn ?
I would like to know answer from you guys.
create + zap = stack
I love this when i see this ☝🏼 purple line in my notifications
I need more of it!
Addictive to tap on it, to see how you ranked too 👀
and the ranking still a myth somehow, like how do SN calculate that I'm the number x on comments / posts zapping?
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I use white mode too, easier to read
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hahah, but that's indeed the best advice in everything tho:)!
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I called it a compliment when someone like me being me:)) so much work outside of being myself.
Sitting here in limbo But I know it won't be long Sitting here in limbo Like a bird without a song Well, they're putting up a resistance But I know that my faith will lead me on
inflation could be good too:
  1. if you learn how to dance with it.
  2. it makes people think.
Day 244 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 44 push-ups. (20 - 14 - 10)
Day 25 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 2 minutes 32 seconds
Doing a hike tomorrow steep uphills for about 8kms.
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Hello __@_'-'
We need a Santa gift to reach 100k
A while back, we made bets on what day BTC will hit $100k. I predicted the snail will reach it on day 260, but I think I've missed the mark as that's only 16 days away.
@ekzyis made a post compiling current bets. I think he still has to work out the details, but essentially the winner takes what's in the reward pool (which is in excess of 100k sats, that'll be worth +$100 on the award day!)
Done :)
(thanks for the giga-zap kind stranger)
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He continues to march on. 10M, so on and so forth until the dollar loses all meaning in BTC terms.
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Get to it! __@_'-'
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Thanks man. I have definitely gotten stronger. I usually bust out the 20 reps in the first set without a problem now.
I think my goal for 100 will be 20-20-20-20-20, and then I'll keep it at 100 total but work on increasing set size (such as 40-40-20) and movement technique (diamond push-ups, etc.)
I'd like to work on pull-muscles next, but it's hard to find a convenient exercise for this that doesn't rely upon equipment (like a pull-up bar, rings, etc.)
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Yeah it does, thanks.
Similar to the push-ups, I'd like to commit every day with ever so slight progression. It'll have to be something I can do anywhere, anytime. I am leaning towards bodyweight rows with a set of gymnastic rings I can take with me wherever I go. All that's needed is a place to hang them, which can be a bar, a tree branch, etc.
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Ahhh, even better! Yes, that looks perfect.
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We can also start a new challenge once 100 is breached.
I was thinking squats, weight loss, something like that.
The important thing is that we do it every day and shitpost about it in the saloon.
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I get it. Personally, I find it useful to post about it for accountability. I am so balls deep into this now that if I don't post within the hour, people start asking where I've got to. That's tremendously useful to me and I probably would have bailed by now if it weren't for that kind of feedback.
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that's actually the exact reason why I mentioned non-empty block in my mempool prediction market
empty blocks don't count!
We live in the Matrix... this is proof of that hahahaha.
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I think this freebie was trying so hard to be toxic but in a helpful way in DMs to @DarthCoin, that @DarthCoin literally disappeared from SN instead of only never entering ~oracle again, lol
This freebie hopes he is coming back soon, too...
look at me, i am a freebie now
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@saloon every other day
me having tea and eating helva:) any movie recommendations?
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Oh my goodness!
saw it this morning:(
maybe stackers need to team up for more toxicity now that Darth is missing.
@Natalia Darth is in the chat for SN live. Can tell he misses us.
David, I withdrew myself from SN. I do not want to post anymore on SN. My mission is done.
what's this madness withdrew from SN yet watch SNL? 😂
He’s still watching over us 😁 waiting for us to put a foot wrong
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@Onions is perhaps our best bet for now. Vader will be back, the force is too strong. He just needs time.
There will be a legacy to keep the toxicity high.
Seems that the citadel is going well...
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You see me in top 🤠 soon
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That cat!
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