this idea makes software (probably the most valuable/scalable thing in the world today?)
i think have read somewhere that the biggest advantage of tech companies is that all the software they write has basically 0 variable costs in the long run.
you can write code once (paying developers a fixed salary), and then "sell it" an infinite amount of times for free.
like SN: we're just writing code but the code that @k00b wrote 2 years ago is probably still running in here somewhere, doing its job forever or until it got replaced by something better.
yup, that's exactly why software is so valuable. write once, sell infinite.
the challenge with a lot of software businesses is that there's still a cost to sell the software. you need to own a channel to the customer (sales people, email distribution list, brand awareness, etc.). So while the software could be sold infinite times you still have to find/convince customers to buy it.
fortunately @k00b doesn't really have much cost of sales since we're just a community creating together so it can grow organically. So something he built 2 years ago can still run and continue to serve us indefinitely.