Anything worth having you must fight for. I’m all for bitcoiners becoming politicians, lobbying, and convincing boomers this is the way to prosperity.
People can do whatever they wish but you might not care about politics but politics cares about you and asshats like Sen. Warren will win if you don’t fight back. Call donate do whatever you have to do to fight for your freedom and your right to hold and spend Bitcoin how every you wish or if you choose not to.
Cuck mentality.
Have fun having your freedoms stripped away by people who out number you
Have fun begging your lessers for your freedom because you are too much of a coward to simply take it for yourself.
No one is begging. Everything is a numbers game. I have a voice so I will use it. It’s easy to talk this toxic shit when you are warm and have food. Let’s see if you have this same energy after an oppressive government as completely stripped your voice away.
Go on the North Korean and Chinese message boards and speak this! Live it all the way out!
Pleeeeeeeease politician can I have my rights back? Pleeeeaseeeee. I can't act like a human being without your permission!
Again no one is begging here. Only fools beg