I’m a free-spirited person who loves spontaneity and serendipity, but such wild ways of living have to be thrown out of the window now that I’m a full-time father of two. The old adage remains valid, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.
How I set myself up for success
  1. I write down all the things I have to clear, be it personal or professional. I notice that the act of writing urges me to complete the task so that I can strike it off my to-do list. It also helps reduces mental clutter since I outsource all my obligations onto a piece of paper or a document I create on my phone. (Whether I go the paper or digital route depends on my mood at that season of life.) Anyway, I usually wake up every morning, knowing the one task that I need to complete at school that day. Completing that one big task helps me feel productive, which will translate into a second wind of energy when I need to look after the kids back home.
  2. While I don’t wear the same plain tee like some successful entrepreneurs, I do arrange my wardrobe in terms of colour so that I grab the shirt in whatever colour that appeals to me on a particular day. You want to reduce decision time for small yet image-boosting things like this.
  3. I read multiple books at a time. I think it works well for me because I may read something light during those pockets of time I snatch from parenting. And read something more cognitive consuming when I have an hour or two. I think I’m quite the voracious reader and it makes me feel fulfilled
  4. I try to maintain a meutral disposition and not get riled up by anything. Case in point: my baby girl just got woken up because her loud brother just came home. Which is annoying because I got to end this musing - but it is what it is.