I've used https://lightsats.com/ as a way to give out free bitcoin giftcards. I made them into gospel tracts that I handed out. They also need a means to easily redeem those coins for something so something like https://www.bitrefill.com or https://thebitcoincompany.com/ can get them real gift cards while introducing them to bitcoin at the same time. There needs to be a lot more investment into this area, as homelessness has escalated with the move to digital fiat rather than cash on hand. With bitcoin, you can simply scan and go almost as quickly as you could hand out cash. Having a homeless fund kiosk of sorts in a central area where people can anonymously send sats to a qr address scanable from the side of the road, that ultimately delegates sats to individuals who come to the kioski to redeem sats is what I've thought of in my city.