Morning amigos. Here's a thought for today / mini-update:
I don't really do any social media besides SN [1], and it's been interesting to observe a phenomenon I thought I had left behind forever: getting so swept up in something that I check it a million times a day, leave a million comments, obsessively refresh the "recent" tab. The apotheosis of this was the other week's book club.
On the one hand, this was great. On the other hand, it blew my attention all to hell. Like, it seriously compromised my ability to do my job. Which, if I had kept it up, would have meant me having a lot more time on SN after I got fired. Glass half-full I guess.
Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to balance this in a viable way. Any other situation, I would just disappear. But SN is important enough that I want to figure out how to make it work. I'll probably post an actual post about some of this (how meta) in the next day or two. It seems like an issue worth thinking about in public -- my attraction to SN is that it makes it possible to re-think what community could mean, in an online world. These effects are part of that. I think it's a deeper issue than just my own self-regulatory challenges.
Anyway, some thinking out loud.
(Also, I haven't forgotten that we have one part of book club left. Have no fear!)
[1] Not completely true. I read Twitter, but it's highly curated as a news source only, and I never post.
I write code for this distraction and it even distracts me. Maybe at some point it'll get so distracting that I become fully distracted and can't make SN even more distracting.
I hope you can figure out the work/SN harmony. I'll miss stalking your posts and comments in the meantime.
Haha, it's like your own personal block reward halving -- your shadowy super-coding keeps going down as a result of your shadowy super-coding. Eventually it asymptotes.
That's why I stop working any job and I dedicate my time to Bitcoin and SN...
You are wise. I may be following in your footsteps by necessity soon.
darth is more than 57 days away from this citadel šŸ˜‚
I don't like exact dates... It doesn't depend totally of me and my strength. I wish I could finish it before the halving day, to be a celebration day, but I am not so sure I would have good weather this time at the 1500m altitude...
me too, I like being flexible - I was teasing you:)!
I'm in a similar situation. My job is not quite a sinecure, so occasionally I am expected to get some work product done, which cuts into my SN time. So far, I'm managing it alright, but I'm still looking forward to your longer post.
I'm semi retired and have trouble concentrating on my part time work. I look forward to your post. Perhaps you can design a 12 step program? I'll get the coffee urn going.
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Here's an idea. On your main computer, no stacker news, via a line in your hosts file (
On another cheapo low-performance old laptop, allow stacker news.
Put the cheapo laptop somewhere inconvenient. Maybe take the battery out so it needs to be plugged in. Maybe have it somewhere, where you need to stand to use it.
Having to actually get up and go to a different laptop is a great way to limit the sites that are distracting you.
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I thought all of us here were like our own banks! :) retired folks and the like, or hippies :)
and those nomads!
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Haha. Stack still too short :(
1 sat at a time :)
or good OpSec, lol :)
I think with my amount of bitcoin I'm still not retired
it's not about having enough Bitcoin then retired, look at @DarthCoin he probably had enough and yet he's building his citadel with his bare hand!
and I will give away all my BTC after I will finish my dream.
What's your dream to see if I follow you until you fulfill it and give me a sats
you don't even do your homework and expected to be gave sats? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
what happened to POW?
prove you became a real sovereign individual and I will consider it. ONLY sovereign individuals will deserve my BTC.
All the rest can suck my balls...
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I wasn't talking about leaving completely, but with an exceptional amount you can be at home, relaxed and get some sats to the new teachings
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